Article Provided By Lupus Foundation of America We worked tirelessly with our champions in Congress to establish the first-ever Congressional Lupus Caucus in 2012. In the United States Congress, a caucus is a group of lawmakers who share an interest in a particular issue and come together to … [Read more...] about Congressional Lupus Caucus
8 Things to Know About Indoor Lighting and Lupus
Article Provided By: Make Great Light For many people with lupus, the quality of light in the outdoors and indoors matters. Exposure to UV rays causes photosensitivity, which causes flare-ups such as rashes, headaches, fever, fatigue, joint pain, and other symptoms. The relationship between … [Read more...] about 8 Things to Know About Indoor Lighting and Lupus
Wrap Lenses 101: Efficacy vs Efficiency
Whenever you flick a light switch it’s easy to forget how much science is behind the light you use. It’s easy to head down to Walmart, pick up a pack of bulbs, pop off those wrap lenses and stick one in the empty socket. How many people does it take to screw in a light bulb? You – just you. How many … [Read more...] about Wrap Lenses 101: Efficacy vs Efficiency
Light Filters Helping Kids Learn
Over the years there have been many attempts to reform the public education system in America. Worries about our students’ diminishing competitiveness when compared to the rest of the world have led to legislative reforms and more versions of standardized testing. It’s debatable whether or not these … [Read more...] about Light Filters Helping Kids Learn
Eggcrate Fluorescent Light Covers Save You Money
When it comes to maintenance in your home or business, finding ways to cut down costs are always on your mind. Your lighting solutions are no exception. Perhaps you’ve made a transition to newer, more energy efficient fluorescent bulbs or replaced old fixtures. This is a great start, but what if … [Read more...] about Eggcrate Fluorescent Light Covers Save You Money
Your Guide to Romantic Lighting this Valentine’s Day
Diffuser Specialist is your go-to provider for all things that cover and diffuse lights in your home and workplace. In our last blog we talked about the importance of retail lighting and how it can affect your overall return. Today we’d like to get a little more personal, really personal and talk … [Read more...] about Your Guide to Romantic Lighting this Valentine’s Day
How to Responsibly Dispose of Fluorescent Lights
Having family and friends over for the holidays or special occasions? Doing a little cosmetic upkeep before they arrive? If one of the things on your to-do list is replacing those burnt-out fluorescent bulbs in your kitchen or bathroom, then there are a few things you should know before simply … [Read more...] about How to Responsibly Dispose of Fluorescent Lights
Photophobia: It’s NOT the Fear of Photographs
Are you experiencing… Eye strain, dizziness, eye irritation, redness, swelling, involuntary squinting, or do you find yourself always averting your gaze from light sources? You may have a condition that manifests itself by oversensitivity to light called Photophobia. What is Photophobia? First of … [Read more...] about Photophobia: It’s NOT the Fear of Photographs