Outdoor light globes are some of the most popular choices for outdoor lighting because they create wonderful lighting and have a great aesthetic and look. They are also available in many different styles to fit your desired style of your outdoor lighting. Outdoor light globes provide a nice glow that illuminates large areas for walkways, gardens, patios, or just about any other outdoor area. At Diffuser Specialist we have many styles of outdoor light globes to fit your needs.
Small Outdoor Light Globes

Our small outdoor light globes range from 5 inches to 8 inches in height or diameter, and include spheres, cylinders, and jelly jar style globes for your outdoor lighting. They’re manufactured of Acrylic, Impact modified Acrylic, or Polycarbonate and each one is individually inspected and wrapped. They come with a few fitter type options, with short or long thread, or even Lip Fitter style to fit your needs. Most shapes of our small outdoor light globes are available in a wide array of colors so that you can find what you need for your outdoor lighting. Our small outdoor light globes are also available in smooth, prismatic, and striped textures for a variety of lighting styles. You can view all of our options for small outdoor lighting globes here.
Large Outdoor Light Globes

Our large outdoor light globes are all at least 8 inches in height or diameter and are blow molded globes which are available as Sphere, Cube, Cylinder, Ellipsoid, Egg, Olive, and Pear-shaped. These are also available with many fitter styles depending on your needs, and custom fitters may be created for you, if needed. These globes are individually inspected and packaged, just like our small globes. They are manufactured using a two-stage injection/blowing process that provides a high quality, durable finished product. Our large outdoor light globes are basically available in bronze, clear, or white finishes which provide quality luminescence and aesthetic. You can view all our large outdoor light globes here.
These are just a couple
examples of the high quality, durable products we offer at Diffuser Specialist.
We have lighting products to suit any of your needs, and our lighting experts
are here to answer any questions you may have. We can even help you find the
right products for your lighting project if you aren’t quite sure where to
start. From replacement lenses, to a brand new lighting scheme, we can help
point you in the right direction and make sure you get exactly what you need.
Contact us today to update your lighting. We’re happy to help.