Scientist’s have discovered an unsuspecting enemy lurking within our homes, schools and doctor’s offices. The enemy: UV radiation. Artificial lighting has come a long way, but there’s still a large gap between the positive effects of natural sunlight, and the negative effects of artificial lighting in terms of health. You may have noticed more energy efficient CFL bulbs being sold in stores in the last 10 years, and the switch smaller T-8 fluorescent tubes in commercial spaces. What you may not have noticed, is a change in mood, lack of sleep or fatigue as a result of artificial light.
Though artificial lighting has evolved quite a bit since Edison’s invention of the electric lightbulb, we are discovering more harmful side effects of indoor lighting with scientific and medical advancement. Expert’s have found that fluorescent lighting can emit a harmful amount of UV radiation, which becomes harmful to skin cells and the retina with longer exposure. Why haven’t you noticed? Individuals are affected by these side effects in different ways.
People With Lupus
People with the autoimmune disease, Lupus, are the most heavily affected by the harmful side effects of artificial lighting. Long exposure to artificial lighting can cause Lupus flare up’s, soreness and dizziness. This is caused by the small amount of UV rays emitted from fluorescent lighting and other artificial light sources.
People Who Work Night Shifts
Artificial lighting is also shown to disrupt circadian rhythm in humans by suppressing melatonin production. Night shift workers are exposed to artificial lighting often for longer periods of time. Lack of sleep may not only be a attributed to a disruption of sleep pattern, but in the body’s natural clock, circadian rhythm.
Contextual Lighting
In addition to affecting health and circadian rhythm, artificial lighting can also have an affect on irritability. Blue light waves have been found to help office workers stay more alert during the day, while warmer waves have been found to have calming and relaxing properties.
The next advancements in artificial lighting will be engineered to reduce it’s harmful side effects further and offer an indoor lighting solution closer to natural light. For more information refer to, and check out overlay lenses designed to improve the artificial lighting in your existing fixtures.